About the LABBC
Through the DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge, hundreds of companies, manufacturers, universities, school districts, multifamily organizations, and state and local governments have committed to reducing energy use in their buildings.
Success stories and data are critical to achieving the momentum it will take to break our emissions curve and future-proof our communities for generations to come.
In support of LA’s Sustainable City pLAn and the national DOE-led initiative, the LA Better Buildings Challenge collaborates with LA’s Best Buildings – the top 25 percent – to showcase and support their work towards the goal of 22 percent energy use reduction by 2025.*
The top 25 percent of LA’s largest buildings represent a combined 150 million gross square feet.
22 percent is the energy use reduction that science tells us must be achieved in LA, to put us on the path to zero net emissions by 2050.
Those are big numbers – they show the scale of the challenge we face. But they are attainable, and they give us real-world goals to measure against.
Better Buildings play a central role in ensuring the sustainability, resilience, and vitality of our City. By partnering with the LABBC you’re joining market leaders who are facing up to the challenge.
* from 2015 baseline
We are your local partner, providing on-the-ground support for your LA sustainability initiatives. Funded by LADWP and SoCal Gas, the LABBC is here as a resource to highlight, support, and scale the impact of your sustainability initiatives.
The LABBC is managed by Sustento Group and we are always looking for great people. Click here to view available opportunities.
LABBC works to bridge environmental policy goals with commercial real estate objectives, based on the belief that it is only through the exchange of ideas that we can develop shared understanding and common purpose. Collaboration is key to the success of our mission.
We continuously look for opportunities to amplify and synthesize information that will accelerate mainstream adoption of sustainable practices. Our Collaborating Organizations are leaders in their respective areas of focus. It’s based on their contributions that we develop our educational content, resources, and event programming.
We are always looking for strong collaborators. Contact us with your ideas.