Celebrating LA’s Best Buildings
Recognize Your Team’s Progress
Los Angeles’ most prestigious sustainability awards program, LABBC’s annual Innovation Awards recognize LA’s Best Buildings for their leadership and contributions toward citywide sustainability efforts. Each entity recognized is a proven leader in their industry, doubling down on efficiency and other environmental goals in pursuit of net zero carbon emissions, while also demonstrating a strong commitment to our community.
Want to be considered for one of our awards? Join the LABBC as a Partner today.
Categories + Criteria
Though water is the essence of life, its efficiency in building systems is too often overlooked. The award for “Leadership in Water Performance” is given to our Partner who most effectively optimizes water use through innovative projects and strategies.
Water performance over the prior year
Long-term reduction of water use intensity
Measures to manage water use (operational measures and/or capital projects)
Measures to maintain water quality and enhance health and safety (operational measures and/or capital projects)
Alignment with organization-wide ESG commitments
Stakeholder engagement, communications and social impact
Innovation in technology and execution
Safe, affordable housing is a human right. The award for “Leadership in Affordable Multifamily” is given to our Partner who demonstrates exceptional initiative to protect the health, safety and well-being of low-income Angelenos through impact-driven programs, including measures to optimize energy and water use.
Social and community impact
Stakeholder engagement and communications
Alignment with organization-wide ESG commitments
Short- and long-term energy and water performance
Measures to manage energy and water use (operational measures and/or capital projects)
Measures to enhance resident health and safety (operational measures and/or capital projects)
True resilience offers owners a distinct competitive advantage in one of the most competitive sectors of the industry. The award for “Leadership in Office” is given to our Partner who most effectively pushes the boundaries of what’s possible today to improve and strengthen operational efficiencies and resilience tomorrow.
Portfolio-wide reduction of energy and water use intensity
Measures to manage energy and water use over the prior year (operational measures and/or capital projects)
Measures to enhance health and safety over the prior year (operational measures and/or capital projects)
ESG initiatives and impact over the prior year, including diversity, equity and inclusion
Published CR/ESG reports for the two most recent consecutive years
Stakeholder engagement, communications and social impact
“With great power comes great responsibility.” Representing LA’s most iconic industry, the award for “Leadership in Entertainment” is given to our Partner who best demonstrates—and advocates for—industry-wide efficiency and change.
Portfolio-wide reduction of energy and water use intensity
Measures to manage energy and water use over the prior year (operational measures and/or capital projects)
ESG initiatives and impact over the prior year, including diversity, equity and inclusion
Published CR/ESG reports for the two most recent consecutive years
Stakeholder engagement, communications and social impact
Taking a 360-degree view of what it means to have a resilient community, the award for “Leadership in Community Impact” is given to our Partner who has made an extraordinary contribution to the fabric of the Los Angeles community through a commitment to addressing our city’s most pressing social and environmental challenges.
Initiatives to address critical social, economic, health or environmental needs in Los Angeles
Stakeholder engagement, communications and social impact
Clear commitment to energy and water efficiency
Recent Innovation Awards Winners
LOS ANGELES, March 29, 2023 — The Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge (LABBC) on Wednesday afternoon presented the city’s most prestigious sustainability awards to the “Best Buildings” in Los Angeles at its 9th Annual Innovation Awards. The intimate invite-only ceremony was held in Downtown Los Angeles at the L.A. Cleantech Incubator (LACI) in the Arts District. Read More