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Los Angeles is—and always has been—a leader in green buildings, thanks in no small part to LABBC partners. The city cemented its place at the top with the introduction of its Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency ordinance in 2016, the most comprehensive and forward-thinking policy in the nation.
Now, with the support of a broad coalition of local environmental and social justice partners, labor groups and industry leaders, Los Angeles is taking things to the next level. This spring, the city is preparing to introduce legislation that ensures zero-carbon buildings contribute to clean air, good jobs and thriving communities.
It is crucial that the policy considers a diverse array of community, environmental and business needs. The city’s explicit focus on equity and robust stakeholder engagement will ensure Los Angeles remains a leader in the pursuit of climate progress for years to come.
Join LABBC Executive Director David Hodgins for a discussion with City of Los Angeles Climate Advisor Megan Ross and Urban Land Institute’s Marta Schantz.
Key Takeaways
Claim your seat at the table. The city recognizes the need to work closely with building owners to develop a workable building performance standard. Now is your chance to step up and weigh in.
Democratize while we decarbonize. Equity will be a central focus for the city. Moving at the "speed of trust," the city will be deliberate in gathering feedback from all stakeholders.
Lead amongst leaders. Join LA's Best Buildings. LABBC enrollment opens March 1.
David Hodgins
Executive Director
Megan Ross
Climate Advisor, Buildings
City of Los Angeles
Marta Schantz
Senior Vice President
ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance
Marty Borko
Executive Director