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Access the latest information on water saving incentives and gain access to innovative water management strategies.
Water Saving Incentives
Expedite the ROI on water projects through available efficiency measures.
Water Project Case Studies
Innovative water saving strategies work and we’ve got the case studies.
Water Technology Directory
The latest in emerging and market-ready water efficiency solutions
Water Saving Opportunities
Replacing equipment with higher efficiency models reduces maintenance and helps mitigate large scale repairs.
Upgrading existing irrigation systems and landscaping create substantial water savings and reduce run-off.
Capturing condensation and using it to supplement the water supply of cooling towers increases efficiency. 40% of a building’s water demand comes from cooling.
Enhancing processes to capture, treat and er-use water can produce significant savings and preserve limited water supplies.
Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
300% cooling tower incentive increase
Pay performance incentive
Free assessment available through LADWP
Water Saving Incentive Program (WSIP)
Pay performance incentive
Equipment replacement
Leak Detection
SoCal Water Smart
Equipment replacement
Turf Replacement
Smart Irrigation