This Week's News for LA’s Best Buildings
California Unveils New Climate-Centric Budget Proposal
Yesterday, the State of California released its 2022-23 Governor’s Budget, outlining the state government’s objectives, issue areas, initiatives, policies, and proposed fiscal allocations for the upcoming year. The budget is environment-centric, with Governor Gavin Newsom highlighting climate change and its associated challenges such as wildfires and droughts in California.
Cities' Clean-Energy Equity Efforts Are Mixed, but Leaders Point the Way Forward (Los Angeles Ranks in Top 10)
Most cities are not doing enough to advance equity as part of their efforts to combat climate change, but cities such as Minneapolis and Chicago have started to take important steps and can serve as models for peers. In our 2021 City Clean Energy Scorecard, the 100 large cities we examined earned an average of only 15% of the points possible for equity-related actions, such as developing energy programs designed to reach communities of color and low-income residents.
Historic Hotel to be Converted Into Affordable Housing
Under new ownership, the historic Downtown Barclay Hotel will undergo renovations and be converted into single-room-occupancy, affordable housing for formerly unhoused and low-income individuals.
The Los Angeles-based nonprofit AIDS Healthcare Foundation acquired the property in October. It will renovate the 158-unit hotel into affordable housing units.
Local Governments Are Stepping Up Grid Decarbonization in 2022
When most people think about critical stakeholders in decarbonizing the electricity system, they often overlook local governments. This, however, is a mistake. Local governments are already a critical player in the United States’ transition to renewables, and their role will only grow in 2022 as they take advantage of emerging strategies and opportunities.
18 Designers Share Hopes, Fears, and Disruptors for 2022
As a new year begins, these architects and design thought leaders tell us what they think could—or should not—shape the field in 2022.
With dynamic challenges facing the industry, and the planet, ARCHITECT wanted to create a compass of sorts to help navigate the coming year. So, they reached out to 18 architecture and design leaders, movers, and shakers, and asked them about their hopes and fears for 2022, as well as what they predict will be the biggest disruptors, be that ideas, policies, technologies, projects, or people.
LABBC’s Midnight Mission Holiday Drive
This holiday season, the LABBC challenges you to chose hope for the holidays by donating to The Midnight Mission. Each year, each day, and each hour, The Midnight Mission is delivering life-changing services to Los Angeles community members who are currently experiencing homelessness and providing a pathway to self-sufficiency.
In exchange for your donation, the LABBC offers you a chance to win a memorable experience donated by one of our esteemed staff or partners.
*Date Extended to January 22
Image Credit: Associated Press