Synapse: This Week's News for LA’s Best Buildings
April’s Top Ten: Kick-off Earth Month with these Better Buildings Solutions Resources
The 10 most-viewed resources from the past month include a new toolkit on high-efficiency interior lighting, as well as solutions on financing, sustainability management in hospitality, and more.
Join BOMA Greater LA’s Upcoming Webinar: ‘Submeters 101: Everything You Need to Know About Submeters’
Have your tenants asked you to submeter their commercial space yet? If not, then they probably will soon! With submetering, your tenants are sure that their bills and leasing structure are just, that they have a return on investment of their individual energy conservation projects, and that they can proudly identify as sustainability leaders. Please note: non-members will be charged a registration fee, and BOMA members receive a discounted rate.
The Post-Virus Economic Recovery Could Be a Green One
The novel coronavirus has caused unprecedented social disruption and wreaked havoc in the markets. With the world coming apart at the seams, Helen Mountford, vice president for climate and economics at the World Resources Institute, thinks investment in clean technology and infrastructure could help put it back together again.
Sustaining Sustainability: Lessons from the Coronavirus Pandemic
What are the deeper lessons from the coronavirus pandemic that will help companies be more sustainable going forward? Small actions by individual companies can lead to a big difference for humanity.
Orchestrating the Energy Transition: Tuning Into Buildings
The transition to clean energy is akin to the entire world participating in a symphony. Each player has a critical role, timing is essential and all parts must come together deftly in order to execute this masterpiece — Rocky Mountain Institute’s Seth Coan walks through what it would take to compose such a piece.
For more on the energy transition, listen to this week’s Interchange Podcast ‘Quarantine Wonkery.’