Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge

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Synapse: This Week's News for LA’s Best Buildings

Biden’s Earth Day Summit Is a Crucial Opportunity for Climate Action

The president should commit to cutting U.S. emissions at least 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. See Biden’s climate executive action fact-sheet, and be sure to. tune into the summit on Monday, April 19.

Expanding Adaptive Reuse to Support Housing & Economic Recovery

CCA this week published a white paper on adaptive reuse to support economic recovery from the pandemic, address the housing crisis and embrace sustainable development. In the report, CCA provides a set of recommendations, including allowing adaptive reuse citywide, that the City can implement now to convert obsolete buildings into housing and community-serving facilities. TPR shares excerpts from the white paper, introduced by CCA president & CEO, Jessica Lall. Read the full white paper with a list of detailed recommendations online, here

8 Ways to Get Active on Earth Day

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Nowadays, happenings are sprinkled throughout April and combined with other events, such as National Park Week. Many people (I’m one of them) believe that every day is Earth Day. So give some thought to how you want to mark the day because climate change is the defining environmental threat of our time. Here are eight events not to miss.

12 Books on Repairing Our Relationship with Our Only Planet

The earliest Earth Days raised awareness, led to passage of new laws, and spurred conservation. But the original problems are still with us. And now they intersect with climate change, making it impossible to address one problem without affecting the others.

Webinar: Earth Day 2021 - Resources for Bill Savings, Resiliency, and Building Electrification

This Earth Day event will highlight the new landscape of incentive programs designed to help reduce tenant utility bills and operating costs -- while helping you achieve your sustainability and resiliency goals. The Partnership will also provide key updates to several existing clean energy programs available in the broader Southern California region, as well as highlight new programs coming online in the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) service territory. 

When: Thursday April 22, 11 a.m. PST

Webinar: Future-Proofing Real Assets: A Conversation on the Convergence of Efficiency & Resilience in the Built Environment

The language of ESG is evolving.   

 Join us for a conversation between LABBC Executive Director David Hodgins and some of the industry’s leading voices on sustainability, resilience and real estate to explore how these once abstract concepts are now coming together to influence real-world strategies. 

When: Wednesday, April 21, 12 p.m. PST

Source: LA Times, EarthX